Monday, January 26, 2009

Spy Hunter

Genre: Action | Adventure
Video game adaptations are rarely beloved of the cinema cognoscenti and there’s little likelihood that Spy Hunter will break that honourable tradition. The game is a fairly routine ‘heavily armed spy and supercar’ adventure distinguished only by a voice and motion capture contribution from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson who, one imagines, must be favourite to play the lead in what we can safely assume will be an undemanding popcorner. Englishman Paul WS Anderson, of Alien vs Predator and Resident Evil fame, is slated to direct.

Former F-15 pilot Alex Decker (The Rock) is recruited to become a member of a government agency called International Espionage Services (IES), specifically joining an elite group called the Spy Hunters. Piloting an experimental battle-car, the G-6155 Interceptor, with all varieties of weapons and gimmicks (including the ability to transform into a speed boat or a super-fast motorcycle), Sects and his fellow Spy Hunters are given the assignment of defeating Daemon Curry, the evil president of a cartel called NOSTRA International, which has plans of world domination. Of course, the bad guys have their own souped-up weapon-packed vehicles, and they don't like being "hunted".

Plot Synopsis:
The Rock plays the guy who drives the cool spy car in another video game adaptation by Paul Anderson. Odds are this one will be as bad as all the others he's done.

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